Posts tagged nonprofits
The Quick-Fix Quest

I really like running.  Even though I am far from speedy, I embrace the mental and physical charge that it gives me. Recently however, knee pain brought my days of running to a screeching halt.  In a state of panic, I reached out to a physical therapist who prescribed weekly visits to her office and 15 minutes of daily (and painful) stretching. I kept my disappointment to myself.  In our modern-day world of instant gratification, it was frustrating to me that she couldn’t offer a quicker fix.

My frustration with such a slow plan for healing is not unlike the frustrations I hear as a grant writer from nonprofits seeking support.

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What's a brightspot, anyway?

All nonprofits are strapped. While working for a few, I felt the deep pull of limited resources – both financial and human.  

I can remember sitting in a team meeting surrounded by piles of paper, event auction items, and despair. The mood was depressed as a long-time funder had rejected our proposal, the board was unresponsive to our calls for help, and ticket sales for next week’s event were dangerously low. The icing on the cake? The printer wasn’t working. 

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